Read the bill and answers the questions | 17 November 2023

Read the bill and answers the questions

Read the bill and answers the questions

Mira Provision Shop - Bill

Customer Name: Amish Patel

Date : 17 November 2023

Payment Method : Cash

Item Quantity/KG Price per unit Total
Tea 1 2.50 2.50
Coffee 2 5.00 10.00
Sugar 1 3.00 3.00
Biscuits 3 1.50 4.50
Jaggery 2 2.00 4.00

Subtotal: $

Tax (5%): $

Grand Total: $

Mira Provision Shop - MCQ Test

Mira Provision Shop - MCQ Test

Fill in the blanks:

  1. Who bought the items?
    • John
    • Sarah
    • Amish Patel
  2. How many items did Amish Patel purchase?
    • 3
    • 5
    • 7
  3. True/False: Amish Patel bought 2 kilograms of jaggery.
    • True
    • False
  4. How much did Amish Patel pay for jaggery?
    • $2.00
    • $4.00
    • $6.00
  5. How much did the shop owner receive in total?
    • $15.00
    • $20.00
    • $25.20
  6. Payment Method:
    • Cash
    • Card
    • Other
  7. Amount Paid by Customer:
    • $5.00
    • $25.20
    • $15.00
  8. What is the price of biscuits?
    • $0.50
    • $1.00
    • $1.50
  9. Date of Purchase:
    • 2023-11-17
    • 2023-11-18
    • 2023-11-19

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